ello guys and gals...
some of you may know...some of you may not -- one thing that should be taken as given about
me is that i'm awfully busy...just think about this, yesterday evening, i had to be in three places at the same time and although i'd planned to make my presence felt in all three albeit briefly, of course, i only managed to be in one (Link- Qormi San Gorg's Funky Youth Group), mainly due to the fact that this event involved "water-fights" that, for better or worse, kind of got out of hand and i ended up dripping less than 2 minutes into my arrival there. either way it was great fun...so no regrets there :p

back to subject...i may be as busy as a bee, but that has never kept me from falling short of sounding my voice, that is quite loud, might i add, and which seems to have things to say about mostly everything. Some conclude I'm a busy-body...others just take me for who i am...hopefully a meagre minority actually like what they hear. that's what brought me here...been thinking about it for a while-weighing the pro's and con's of blogging and all that...now here i am having a go at it.
i'm not accustomed to starting things only to leave them idle after some time, so expect contributions which'll probably touch on anything which may be my relationship with Jesus, religion, gossip, current affairs affecting our weeny island and the world at large, youth issues, anything my head'll be waffling on at that point in time etc. etc. etc. etc. ... you get what i meant by everyhing? hehehe

cheers people and God bless!
(useful links: the LINK youth group site: http://linkyouths.org/
my videos channel on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/ChillerSeminarian
me on hi-5: http://ic-cilia.hi5.com/
that should be enough for now hehehe)
qawwwww cilia :P mla l ewel wb mis seminar jew x kelek insoma XD mla mla ic cilia kin ta ajnuna kbira alija f ceri situations naqa kkumplikati ta hajti :P l ajnuna tijaw kinet importanti qafnaaa qafnaa u xi parir tjb djm tajuli specjalment waqt il festa uwx? :p alekk uwa 1 of majjj bst fwendzzz :) insomaha nhalik jin :) cya tc u narak msn :)
U le le... busy u ghamel blog! hehe! typical of you :P ... good one tal-water games... hehe, should be hilarious to see some photos. tc :) xxxxx
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