It always leaves an empty sensation in my insides whenever I come across someone with whom i'd have had a deep relationship in the recent and not so recent past and who'd now be in some kind of mess. I always find myself asking: could I
have done something with which the situation this person's passing through now would've been avoided? Is there anything I can do now? These questions result from a mish-mash of my ever present "Saviour-of-the-World" syndrome (a term coined by myself defining my desire to help ad nauseam :p) and my honest conviction that an extra minute of someone listening to another's concerns or an unexpected smile can make a world of difference. As for the latter, this is further reinforced by my belief that nothing happens at random; there's a Big Guy up there and down here simutaneously that does his best to write straight on crooked lines, which in turn get messed up in no time by inquisitive and exceedingly jumpy individuals who can't keep their hands to themselves and have to touch, change, interpret, adapt etc., etc., whatever comes in their way....

I'm trying to envision the blank looks on you people's faces as you cluelessly wonder what's hit me today to pour out such thoughts verging on interminably intertwined philosophy LOL. I can only offer one word (or two, hehehe) of consolation with which I leave off: Life's a mess. If you have faith, you know that the mess'll work out sooner or later. If not, you're left with the mess. In the meantime, you can try believing that the Big Guy needs your hands and feet to change the world - so keep your eyes open for the next person who nee
ds your've been put in that place at that particular moment so that your paths cross explicitly for you and him/her to interract. Don't give anyone the cold shoulder...You may be the only source of aid at hand...

This reasoning's changed my perception of my role in life completely - you'll always find me close, friend, though I'm no Superman.
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