it's friday morning...2:35am to be exact. still awake due to many complications life pleases itself to present me with. i may have started to untie the various knots in the "parenting" issue, still surprises never stop cropping from around d corner...which is why i am here tonight.
This blog's turning into a whiner's window, but i have to be honest, right now i cannot but whine...whine and dine lol...oh no, got that wrong...whine and trust hehe. yep that's right...trust. trust whom? heqq himm--d big guy up above and down here. the people i love all sem to have lost their minds (so to say) in the past couple of days, and as usual, superman'd like to go to their rescue (guess who i'm referring to), if only he knew how.
trust--that's what st joseph did, when his world fell apart, seconds after discovering that his bride-to-be broke the news to him that she was pregnant from "some chap announced to her as the holy spirit" (hope that doesn't qualify as blasphemy)...his trust led him to holding the son of god in his arms, being the first man to set his eyes on him, and eventually having the honour and pleasure of hearing this little child calling him "Daddy".
trust--that's what jesus himself did, when, after wasting the best part of three years preaching, healing and caring for as many destitute as his patience could take, he

found himself faced with a wooden beam, the governor pilate sentencing him to death by way of false accusations. three days later, he opened his eyes to see a new dawn, literally and figuratively, rise on mankind...this species who before good friday had only one option-struggle onwards, hopelessly...and now could choose to continue d struggle but with an added help, his help that guarantees that with him close by, they can face any turmoil.
trust--that's what many a martyr, many a cancer patient, many a victim of injustice...trust that d project or family they'd started'll be cared for by whoever the one above chooses...they trusted in him...he won't let them down...
trust--that's what i'm trying to do today. trying...not actually succeeding, but trying. i don't need all the answers.