The weekend's just passed and as I warm up for the hustle and bustle that jam-packs my upcoming week (talk about something new...NOT :p), I look back at the past two days with much glee, these giving me a headstart to the upside of life that, for some time, had kind of taken a back burner. I've spent the best part of both Saturday and Sunday at home, with my family, this serving me well for relationship purposes...meaning that I got to rest without having the guiltfeeling of procrastinating some other important stuff, as, what's more important than family? Thankfully, they were quiet days, with barely any goings-on, so much so that I can only think of a single instance when I left the household on Saturday and just three, almost two, on Sunday.
In perfect "Family Man" fashion (hehehe) I took mum, my bro and my aunt (Sr Bernadette, whom some of you may know as the Headteacher of St Joseph Blata's Junior Section...yep, we're related...moreover she's my Godmother, many, including half my family, noting that I take a lot after comment about that), who spends the weekends over at our place, out on Sat evening, driving off to "Saqajja", outskirts of Rabat/Imdina, where we strolled in the surrounding gardens until sundown. Initially my bro didn't feel like joining us and kept bickering about it practically all the way there, only to change his position re the outing once arrived. The magic opinion-changer? A scrumptious ice-cream (for which I could only yearn, being on strict sugar-carb.s free diet at the mo). Driving my family back home once we'd had enough of Rabat, I sped to Bugibba where I was scheduled to meet a friend for a "business meeting" (the subject of which is my business :D), getting there more than three-quarters of an hour late. The guy was very understanding, as I knew he would be, having first hand experience of what having just the right amount of things on your plate as to allow you to handle them without spilling himself. That over, I was expected at Rabat again for a thoughts-sharing session, only this time it was I who was listened to by my warmhearted mentor, something for which I was well overdue...heqq, listeners (heqqhimm, moi ;p) need to be listened to too. I returned home way past midnight but feeling more energised than ever.
I woke up on Sunday in time for 8am mass, this being followed by chats with several young people on the parvis. My favourite Sunday morning activity came next...going through the paper over and over again (I ritually read the titles on all the pages, including mags and classifieds, first then return to the articles that interest me. Finally I revise the whole publication again in case I would've missed something. I know it sounds awfully pathetic, to say the least, but I cannot think of a better way to spend a snail-paced Sunday morning :p) until I've exhausted my amusement with it completely. Unlike my usual habits, yesterday I found myself indulging in a siesta...quite an extended one in fact that saw me rising from it at 6:30pm or so, just in time to get a long warm bath and dress up...the evening held an event that I didn't want to miss: a newly-ordained priests' celebrations. I was accompanied there by my bro and mum again-they don't usually tail along to such parties, but, when my mum decided such, I was only too happy, knowing that, as she did, she would enjoy herself. This particular repo was more pleasant than some others as the list of invitees included people from Birzebbuga, a parish where I've served in during my first year as Seminarian back in 2005, giving me the opportunity to have a good laugh with them and rekindle "old" friendships.
yeah...I've had a good time indeed...just my kind of weekend :p