The Seminary and University academic year's gradually approaching its end, leaving me with two months of Pastoral work at the Bormla Parish and the Mater Dei Hospital Chaplaincy as well as the prospect that just two years is what remains of my journey towards the priesthood, my reaction to the latter being a resounding "Yikes!" I can't help imagining what the future'll hold for me as regards my assignments upon my ordination...the spectrum

of possibilities seems limitless, and, to be honest, I see my
self fitting in a wide array of areas, making it harder for me to predict. While the post the Archbishop'll "send" me to is as obscure now as it'll be in two years' time, another aspect is slowly becoming clearer, this being, the subject matter of my Licenciate thesis. Once again, in considering this, I'm thinking ahead by quite a bit, there being a whole year left, at the end of which I'll be sitting for my second batch of finals, comprising the work done in flipping five years, before I start working on such a piece of writing proper. Still, some daydreaming, and (why not?) forward-looking's never harmed anyone :p
So here I am, lads and ladies, typing away at my keyboard, surfing from Facebook to myspace to some blog and youtube vid (thinking of getting myself a twitter page), that it hits me: New Media's an awfully captivating topic that opens up all sorts of frontiers, not to mention, a mostly unexplored territory where the Maltese Church is concerned, notwithstanding the fact that some parishes have really efficient websites (, other groups having made an impressive job at using the internet's potential as they deemed best (read Y4J (, KDZ ( and M.U.S.E.U.M. ( Yet on a diocesan level, there's much that can be done, and if I focus on a specific branch of New Media's encounter with Theology (along the lines of Catechesis or Spirituality, Youth Work, Public Opinion or community work) things may get even more interesting. Oh gosh, my adventurous, boyish Peter Pan alter-ego's dawdly emerging even in this project, the lure of the unprecedented and uncommon being too attractive to ignore.
Hehe, I can't wait....
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